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Reverse Engineering

Тема в разделе "Крафт", создана пользователем Icebjorn, 5 фев 2012.

  1. Icebjorn

    Icebjorn Firewind

    Осторожно!! Английский )
    Небольшой отрывок, из гайда по реверс инженирингу, посвященный образованиям префиксов и, как следствие, добавляемым статам.

    Every item starts as a Base item, learned from a trainer or schematic. If you learn this schematic and craft the item, you can then reverse engineer it. Unlike the linear progression path, this system branches off down separate paths. This means you can find 3 improved versions of every Base item by reverse engineering that item. These improved items carry the Tier 1 Prefixes of Redoubt, Overkill, and Critical.

    When you improve upon an equippable item by creating a Tier 1 Prefix schematic, a new stat is added. What this stat is, is dependent on which Tier 1 Prefix you discovered. Redoubt adds defense, Overkill adds power and, predictably, Critical adds critical.

    Tier 2 Prefix items are a little bit more complex. They are discovered by reverse engineering Tier 1 Prefix items. Each Tier 1 Prefix item (of which there are 3 for each Base item) can be reverse engineered into 5 Tier 2 Prefix items, for a total of 15 Tier 2 Prefixes.

    The process, therefore, is to reverse engineer base items until you have 3 Tier 1 Prefix schematics. From there, you would reverse engineer each Tier 1 Prefix version of the item until you have 5 Tier 2 Prefix versions for each Tier 1 Prefix*.

    *Note: Again, remember that it is believed that only 4 schematics are findable by reverse engineering Redoubt items. This is thought to be a bug.

    When an item improves from Tier 1 Prefix to a Tier 2 Prefix, the same thing happens as going from Base to Tier 1 Prefix. A second new stat is added. While the original stats present on the Base item retain the same values throughout the improvement process, the stat gained from the Tier 1 Prefix (Critical, Defense, or Power) will improve when this happens. The end result is a better item with a total of 2 additional stats in comparison to the Base item.

    Five stats are possible to be added onto Tier 2 Prefix items, as follows: Accuracy, Alacrity, Presence, Surge, and Shield. These stats, in conjunction with which Tier 1 Prefix stat they were added to, determine what the new prefix will be. Here is a list and a couple charts to help you understand how this works:

    Redoubt (:-Defense)
    -Anti-Armor (:-Defense, +Surge)
    -Exactitude (:-Defense, +Accuracy)
    -General's (:-Defense, +Presence)
    -Veracity (:-Defense, +Shield)
    - ?????? (:-Defense, +Alacrity) (This is the missing Tier 2 Prefix)

    Critical (+Critical)
    -Endowment (+Critical, +Surge)
    -Fervor (+Critical, +Accuracy)
    -Leadership (+Critical, +Presence)
    -Supremacy (+Critical, +Alacrity)
    -Tempest (+Critical, +Shield)

    Overkill (+Power)
    -Commander (+Power, +Presence)
    - Expert (+Power, +Surge)
    - Hawkeye (+Power, +Accuracy)
    -Rampart (+Power, +Shield)
    -Vehemence (+Power, +Alacrity)

    Еще добавлю, что если подвергнуть реверс инженирингу синюю вещь без модификатора, то есть шанс что прокнет фиолет с модификатором первого уровня, а значит можно будет получить следущую схему с модификатором второго уровня. Вещь будет крутая, но очень дорогая на этапе получения схемы. В любом случае вердикт однозначный - подвергать реверс инженирингу ВСЕ доступное для вашей крафтовой профессии. В минимуме будет дополнительный материал, а если повезет, то и новая схема.